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Professional Community Association Management Services
How do I...?
Make a Payment on my Account
Online payments are accepted through the client portal. Simply login and select "Pay Assessments" from the menu options. Payment can be made by ACH, debit card or credit card. To mail a check, please make your check payable to your association and mail it to the bank lockbox:
(Your Association Name)
c/o DTA Processing Center
P.O. Box 98157
Las Vegas, NV 89193
If you need time to pay your account, a payment plan may be available to you. There is a processing fee to enter into a payment plan, and an initial payment of $100 on your account is required before the payment plan can be drafted for you. You may make the payment in your client portal account. Payment options include ACH, credit card and debit card.
Payment plans are not considered in effect until the initial payment is made and both parties have signed the agreement. REQUEST PAYMENT PLAN
Submit an ARC Request
ARC/ACC requests are completed electronically on the client portal. Once you login, go to "Account Info" and select "ARC Application" from the dropdown list.
Applications will be reviewed for completeness and submitted to your community's Architectural Committee for consideration. To learn about your community's specific requirements, please review your governing documents. These can be found by visiting the documents section in the portal.
Dispute Charges on my Account
Did you receive a statement that you don't agree with? We'll be happy to assist you. Please review your account ledger in the client portal to identify any potential discrepancies and email our ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT.
Request a Hearing Before the Board
You have the right to meet with your community's Board of Directors. If you've received a certified violation letter, an ARC denial or conditional approval, or have another concern you'd like to bring before your board, please contact our CUSTOMER CARE TEAM to assist you with setting up a meeting,
Access Community Amenities such as the Pool
Community amenities such as a pool, tennis court, sports courts, and clubhouse are usually for use by members only. Each community has different ways of providing access, whether by electronic card/fob, key, ID band, or code. To learn how to obtain your access device, please visit the documents in your client portal or contact our CUSTOMER CARE TEAM for assistance.
File a compliance complaint
We know you care about your neighborhood! If you see something that concerns you, please let us know. While we can't disclose to you what actions will be taken, know that we investigate every report and act in accordance with your community's documents and procedures. FILE A REPORT
Login to the Portal
Registering for the portal is easy and just takes a few minutes to complete. Registration can be found at
If the system can match the information you provide on the registration form, you will receive an automatic email with your login credentials. If not, the request will go to our customer care team to process. Manual processing is completed within one business day.
Request Closing Documents
DTA provides community related documents for your closing. These requests are made by your real estate agent or your title company representative. All requests are made through our CLOSING DOCUMENTS store on this site. If you need additional information, please contact our CLOSINGS DEPARTMENT.